Les Mains Qui Tremblent
My Hands Are Trembling
J'ai les mains qui tremblent
My hands are trembling
Intérieur en désordre, impossible à ranger
The interior is in disorder, impossible to neaten
L'espoir qui nous liait a fini par casser
The hope that bound us wound up breaking
En silence j'ai brûlé tes affaires excepté
In silence I burned your things except
Ca et là des cassettes tu as oubliées
Here and there some cassettes you forgot
J'ai les mains qui tremblent
Ce n'est pas la drogue; ce sont les couleurs de tes jolies robes que je n'oublie pas
It's not drugs; it is the colors of your pretty dresses that I cannot forget
Ce n'est pas l'alcool; ce sont les paillettes de tes yeux de braise qui ne s'effacent pas
It's not alcohol; it's the spark in your smoldering eyes that does not get extinguished
Extérieur Italie; décor abandonné
Exterior Italy; abandoned decor
Syracuse se refuse et le port est fermé
Syracuse denies and the port is closed
Au milieu de la nuit, on se lève, on s'accuse
In the middle of the night we get up and accuse each other
D'avoir cherché trop loin et de s'être égarés
Of having gone too far and having gotten lost...
I love the idea that what he misses about her are the colors of her lovley dresses. They have intoxicated him. Often it's a specific image that comes to mind when I miss someone. I miss their eyes. I miss their bouncy curls or their crooked grin or their black leather bomber jacket. I miss the smell of the lotion they use on their skin or I miss ....
I also love the line about having gone too far and having gotten lost. Losing yourself in someone. Falling down a well. Irretrievable.
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