Sunday, February 8, 2009


Il y a du brouillard. It is foggy. I'm not sure if I'm spelling that right. Grey sky, grey air, grey day.

Lazy day. I'm just taking a break from editing my novel. Sitting on my bed, heat blasting into my bedroom, tea by my side. I have to leave in a few hours, but for right now everything is so peaceful and serene. Coocon-like.

I haven't been thinking about last night's movie at all. Slumdog Millionnaire. That tells me that even though I thought it was a good movie, it wasn't great for me.

I am excited about doing a photo shoot of J. She doesn't see herself as a goddess the way I do. She doesn't see her luminous skin. I don't think she knows she is beautiful. And she is very very beautiful.

Today I ate some kiwi and raisins and basmati rice and salmon and organic kale. I liked the colors all together. They were color-coordinated, like an outfit. Earrings, shoes, dress, hat, gloves.

I am going to read this chapter to someone who helped me with the research. I'm hoping I don't have to change too many things.

We are moving. The Saturday meditation group is officially moving now to a church 2 blocks away. The old building needs to be earthquake proofed. The earthquake was in 1989. Things move slowly around here...

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